


About MANUF | MRP System

MANUF | MRP System is a complete Material Requirement Planning system that handles the production planning, scheduling, inventory control system and decision-making to manage manufacturing process.
It includes all required modules to manage production and manufacturing process :

  1. – Finished products management.
  2. – Raw material management.
  3. – Semi-finished products management.
  4. – Warehouse management.
  5. – Storage management & volume ratio.
  6. – Production workstations.
  7. – Production tasks.
  8. – Production routing.
  9. – Bill of materials BOM
  10. – Monthly plannings
  11. – Weekly plannings.
  12. – Daily plannings.
  13. – Manufacturing orders MO
  14. – Production timing management
  15. – Production timing estimates
  16. – Production workforce estimates
  17. – Storage Reports
  18. – Production Reports
  19. – Planning Reports


  1. HTTP Server.
  2. Codeigniter 3.1.11
  3. PHP 7.2.5 (7.4 recommended)
  4. MySqli PHP extension.
  5. MbString PHP extension.
  6. mod_rewrite Apache.
  7. allow_url_fopen enabled.